Monday, February 16, 2009

you can take the future, even if you fail.

ABBA said it best.

1:32am and I'm still awake. I have to wake up before 8am, but I'm sitting here. Awake. Contemplating.

The ways in which I am strong, rational, and calm with regards to matters of the heart have improved exponentially over the past few years. Even over the past year, I have become almost unassailable in the face of scary love thoughts. I am a beacon of strength, roots buried deep. Nothing can upset me in my little canoe.

Still I wonder where I will be in ten years. I wonder--at this point, even dispassionately--at the tenacity of strings that tie. Do I seal my own fate, the way I look on but refuse to get involved? Do you have to invent your passion, knit it up like a scarf to wrap around a relationship? Are the results of the past a passive ghost in the present, or are they inconsequential?

These questions will be answered or they won't. It's okay, either way. It won't cause a breakdown. Not now.

...just one girl awake in the neighborhood at 1:32am.

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