Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Because I'm Tired of Colonization Readings

I'm feeling a bit spastic and incredibly unfocused right now (it's only second week!) so I don't think this post will have any theme tying it together. I just wanted to note a couple things.

  • I recently decided to make the transition from washing my hair daily to washing it every other day. It's much healthier for your scalp, much more au natural, so it's what I'm doing. The problem, of course, is that once you've decided to wash your hair less, your scalp gets all confused and continues to overproduce oil for a while. This is what my friends (who are all every-other-day people) tell me. It takes a month or two to phase it out, I guess. I feel a little awkward the every-other-day my head is oily, but also sort of liberated. Sort of: "Look at me! I've got oily hair and I don't care! Now watch me go root around in the dirt and then swim in the river!"

  • I don't know how to cook very much, but I'm starting to adjust my diet in different small ways. I want to slowly fade out certain habits. I want to stop buying canned soup and more frequently actually make soup, for example. So far, I can make one: a pretty standard tomato soup. But I want to increase my capabilities. Pretty soon I'm going to try a tofu soup (the results of which I will describe). I also, in general, want to eat more fresh food. On Thursday, T. and I are going to the farmer's market over on Harper. A few days ago I made Brussels sprouts with Hollandaise sauce. U. made (amazingly amazing) corn pudding. I have the advantage of having roommates who both love to and know how to cook. T. makes red Thai curry with things like bok choy and bamboo shoots, and U. makes a South Asian curry with chick peas and lots of different spices. I need a specialty. I may need time, but I'll find it.


Marla ji said...

I haven't washed my hair in... 4 or 5 months? I take a shower about once a week, and I rinse it with water at that time, but I haven't used soap. My hair looks the best it ever has. I don't think it has ever appeared or felt oily. It is starting to dread at the scalp of most of the curl-chunks, but that wasn't intentional (and you can't really tell unless you actually feel it). Once the air starts to get dry I will probably have to start washing it, because the longer I go without washing it in the winter, the more dryness and irritation. Not only are the natural oils better for your hair, but you'll save money on soap!

Once you get into cooking you should start posting pictures! (Facebook?) I love looking at food porn. Soups are one of the easiest things to make, as you can tell by what the majority of my food on Facebook is. I've been meaning to get more into making Indian food, too. My interest, knowledge, and skill has definitely increased tenfold since going vegan. Besides just the vegan aspect of my increased cooking, I cook in order to reduce my waste (even if it is recyclable) by utilizing fresh and bulk ingredients. I'm looking forward to the tofu soup! And corn pudding, nomnom.

Now I want to go cook up my butternut squash, delicata squash, and kale with a creamy basil sauce. I'm too full on lemon-corn pancakes though. God, I love food too much.

I'm off to the farmer's market now, too. Ta!

Claire said...

My hair is naturally oily and also straight, thick, and fair. I'm recently skeptical that it will unoil itself and think I'm going to ask a hair person next time I get it cut.. maybe I need a different shampoo.

I don't know if this would interest you but what you do think about starting a vegetarian/vegan bloggy thing just to post recipes/food porn when we felt like it? I think it would make me cook more, and then there'd be like a little archive of our food. YES I'M A NERD.

Yes? No? I figure because of the number of vegan groups you're in (read: facebook stalk) you may already do that. But just in case....

Marla ji said...

I think that'd be a great idea! !

I don't currently do it. The only place I post any of my stuff is in my Facebook album, but that's just to show my non-vegan friends that I don't eat meat analogues, tofu or prepackaged food all damned day, and to urge eating locally produced food. But having an "official" blog would be fun!

Sometimes I like to just look at those Facebook vegan food porn sites because the people who post are downright artists and their food is unbelieeevable. I just like to cook and eat so I don't do much in the way of showiness. But maybe a blog would inspire me to get creative, take better pictures, and be more adventerous?

katherinejustine said...

I tried going 'no poo' for a while last year and didn't officially wash my hair for two months. Instead I rinsed it every other day and then once a week used a baking soda and vinegar rinse (It doesn't smell like you'd think) My hair used to be incredibly oily so let me tell you.... the spazzing out phase was terrible. Other people couldn't really tell though. It lasted about six weeks. However when I started washing again I only used shampoo and conditioner that was lacking sulfates and only do so every other day. My hair is now definitely less oily and looks quite nice after I've slept on it a day, still light and volume-esque. This is what I use and I love it. You can find it at Trader Joe's


Happy de-oiling. Hang in there, it will happen.