Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm not afraid of Jackson Park

I ride the train, and I ride it AFTER DARK, kids.

I am in Chicago, where all is good. The dorm room, the people, the profs (or at least their little Core description speeches - it's only Orientation Week), the architecture, the city... even the food. Things work here. I fit here. People are crazy and friendly and hyperactively excited about books and math and obscure world music.

Today I skipped my French placement exam, because a) it was optional in the first place and b) I'm not taking French but I AM taking another language. I went to Citibank but my bank account isn't open until tomorrow, so boo. I went to the Barnes & Noble/campus bookstore and bought 3 cheap books and a few dorm essentials. I saw Jon there, and he and I went to explore the exciting region of the Bartlet(t?) Mart thingy, where they sell groceries. Then we found Connie and ate an impromptu lunch (I was still full, but hey). I feel the need to make the aside that Bartlett has the most amazing campus food ever. Anyway. I then got the most expensive Kashi I will ever purchase, but that was fine because it'll last a while. I also noted that the Bart Mart has Sour Patch Kids in ladleable form. This will probably be important in the future.

THEN we went back to the dorm so poor Jon could finally drop off his fan and I could fridgerize the milk I got for my Kashi. And we went onward to our first registration meeting, and I got my course booklet. There's another one tomorrow morning.

Tonight was the B-J "Master's Reception", which involved looking semi-formal and eating catered dinner & dessert, listening to a very short address given by our Resident Master, and then going into the Judson Lounge to watch an African tribal drums thing. Which actually become pretty hoppin' once we started dancing. Not that anyone really knew how to dance to tribal drums. But that's not the point.

Last night was pretty great - we went out to the ImprovOlympics in northtown (near Wrigley Field) and watched a comedy show. Or three, more precisely. I will go to Chinatown with some people soon, I hope, and I'm looking forward to it.. we took the train straight through it and it looked wonderful.

I love Chicago. The school and the city and the people. And everything in between.

1 comment:

Brian said...

OK, if you want cheaper Kashi take the 171 (it picks up right in front of B-J and it's free to students) to 55th and Lake Park, where you can visit Walgreens or the Co-Op Markets (ugh) for a much wider and more reasonably priced variety of groceries. Unless you're spending Flex.

When you go to Chinatown, if you're looking for a place you have GOT to go to the Happy Chef Dim Sum House (
The plastic tablecloths make it look sketch, but they're only there because the dining experience can be messy. Get a bunch of entrees and share them on the Lazy Susan, it's some of the cheapest good dining you'll have in the city.

And yes, I have nothing better to do than read first-year blogs and give out dining recommendations. My apartment is a mess, the high-speed internet isn't working, it's cold and raw outside, I don't have work today and school hasn't started yet. This will probably be one of the more interesting things I do today.