Sunday, April 19, 2009

the way you hate me is better than love.

I have so much to write about! I made a list! It has three things on it!

Two parties this weekend, strange affairs. Friday night's indie film organization party, with chokable smoke billowing through the room and the following conversation overheard by Sarah and me:

Guy: "No, we're not having sex, I'd know if we were having sex."
Girl: "I'm not sure; I think we might be having sex..."

The girl's friend noticed us laughing and made sure to lean toward us and whisper: "They're talking about in the movie."

Tonight was terribly nice. Korean food, coffee outside in the first warmish evening in six months (starless but still), music in my apartment, exodus to Capetown party, one stale g&t, and perhaps an entire hour of animal charades. A fine and decent night. BA ideas & advisor requirements hang in the not-too-distant future, but I'll cross these bridges when I come to them. School angst does not become me. Tomorrow: Hindi essay, pirate essays, A Passage to India, coffee with T.

Neh, I don't have it in my right now to be any more lyrical. It's past 2:30am, and sometimes things feel blunt.

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