Thursday, February 14, 2008


I am swimming in a sea of couples. They're everywhere. I feel like 80% of the people I know are couples. Normally that's all well and good, they're seemingly in hiding, until February 14 when suddenly they're out en masse, crowding out restaurants and all other public places, accidentally shoving their roses in my face, awkwardly and uncasually dipping their bread in olive oil and holding hands and just generally making themselves noticed.

I do not like a holiday that makes singles feel unspecial and couples feel tense and obligated.

Does the Y-chromosome still exist? I'm not sure; I don't think I associate with any anymore. And I would feel a lot better if I could just flirt.

...and, as usual, the most fervently celebratory, holiday-acknowledging individual in our apartment building is the Argentinian lady on the first floor who solely speaks Spanish.

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