Thursday, February 28, 2008

hello from my cavernous cavern.

So, I was thinking that things are basically The Suck lately.

Here are various reasons I've felt down this week:

1) The other day, I gave a man some money. I then walked to the bus stop, and watched as he walked directly to the liquor store.

2) Wednesday I did the following things: Went to a Starbucks cafe in a Barnes & Noble, got a stupid tomato-and-onion pizza-looking thing which was unnecessarily placed in a big plastic container, didn't even eat it all, got Grandma's cookies, looked at the ingredients in Grandma's Cookies, realized Grandma's cookies have "caramel color" in them, wtf?, accidentally littered as I was pulling my ID out and running for the bus. So many things depressed me in those twenty minutes.

3) I realized Tuesday that my Hindi skit is next Thursday, not the week after.

4) It's still fucking winter.

5) I now have no friends that are not in a relationship. This is not really an exaggeration.

6) I want to commune with nature, but the only nature here is snow. And it's dirty snow.

Here are the results for this year so far:

My academic life: +10
My personal life: -20

I would like some kind of personal demand on my attention. I feel like Janis Ian penning the lyrics to "At Seventeen".. pretty soon I'll be getting cats, lots and lots of cats, cats everywhere, I'll be naming them all, after the horoscopes and the world's longest rivers and tallest mountains, after Broadway characters.

I sure as hell hope I get out of the country this year, and soon.

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