Saturday, December 08, 2007

"Words can't bring me down."

--Christina Aguilera.

Errm. Do you remember that persistent, intense sleepover debate that posed the timeless question: "Which is better: Britney Spears, or Christina Aguilera?" (Prerequisite: you're a girl between the ages of 18-22, and your preteen life was public-schoolishly insipid.)

I always said Christina Aguilera, and throughout the years have stuck to my decision. She can sing. Britney can't. But I swear, everyone around me still said Britney.

Did you not think I was this superficial? There was supposed to be going-out tonight, but U. is apparently engaged in a very intense phone conversation and I'm one vodka-tonic under and rediscovering "Xtina" on youtube. I can't even pretend to be tipsy, so I'll just come out and admit it: Some of her songs please my pop sensibility.

I said some. Others, admittedly, fall flat.

I do like the "Ain't No Other Man" video. It's stylin'.

I could make a disclaimer about the quality of lyrics in comparison to, say, Fiona Apple's, but I won't. Because obviously. Except I sort of just did.

Anyway. Just gotta throw in my pop culture opinion, to keep all those E! readers coming back.

In other news, A. created a blog and gave me permission to link her. Read it.

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