Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just a nice reason for a November swim!

This morning, I found a handy link on the NYTimes website, providing each candidate's opinion on global warming and what should be done about it. I will be voting for a Democrat, so here's (briefly) what I think of their stances--

Unimpressive: Joe Biden, Mike Gravel
Decent: Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Barack Obama
Impressive: Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson

But that's just my opinion. I put a lot of weight on their actions in Congress, and, specifically, whether or not they voted for increased standards for gas emissions, since that's where they tended to diverge. Also, Kucinich & Richardson actually provided somewhat specific plans for improving the environmental situation--much more compelling.

The site is worth checking out.

I also came across an article about a tropical disease outbreak in Italy--a result of warming temperatures bringing disease-bearing mosquitoes north.

Just so you know, here are the Republican candidates still shooting the shit about there being no "scientific consensus" on global warming (i.e., global what?):
  • Duncan Hunter
  • His Highness Ron Paul
  • Fred Thompson
I can't forget Tom Tancredo, who recently dropped out of the race (shame), and who thought it might make sense to blame global warming on immigration...."The fact is, Americans consume more energy than anyone else, so if a person moves here from another country, they automatically become bigger polluters."

Really, people, it's time to face the facts: global warming can be largely blamed on the immigrants running across the border and immediately falling into extravagant, ridiculously unsustainable lifestyles. Because that makes sense.
Also, it's OK if Americans live like that to begin with. Because we're American...

I'm thisclose to becoming Swedish.

1 comment:

Marla ji said...
